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Marzena Tranquility - Hair Removal At Home

Tranquility: tran·quil·i·ty
A peaceful, calm state. 
The state of being tranquil; calmness;
peacefulness; quiet; serenity


Marzena Tranquility Soundbath - Hair Removal at Home

Tranquility with Marzena


Marzena’s Tranquility Soundbath is your new best friend. This specialised sound frequency has been created to ease you into a journey of relaxation and feelings of wellbeing.


It is the perfect companion for your home beauty regime to help with reducing pain or discomfort. Subconsciously you will want to breathe deeper and slower, reconnecting you to an inner life that often goes unnoticed.


Made for 15 minutes duration, it’s the perfect amount of time to play alongside any home beauty routine. It’s made for you, by Marzena, for free, anytime you need it.

Tranquility Soundbath with Marzena Hair Removal AU